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BREVA is a modular workflow orchestrator designed to optimize the efficiency of the engineering design process. It manages various computational modules within a continuously evolving communication framework, where new requirements drive the development of additional features.

BREVA seamlessly integrates proprietary and third-party computational plugins, offering robust communication with external software like Rhino for streamlined interoperability. Additionally, it includes an integrated Python interpreter, enabling users to develop and execute custom scripts directly within the platform, further enhancing flexibility and adaptability in designing tailored solutions. The workflow nodes editor, a user-friendly graphical interface, simplifies the organization and management of these integrations.



Yacht Physics Characterization

In a modular, multibody simulation environment, we model the physics of various vessel types, offering a range of fluid-dynamic accuracy levels tailored to each project phase. For early-stage explorations and real-time dynamic simulations, we provide lower-fidelity models, while higher-fidelity RANS analyses are available for later refinement stages and final validations.
BREVA incorporates an advanced algorithm for multi-fidelity physics characterization, employing a custom-developed Response Surface Methodology. This approach enables significant savings in time and computational resources while maintaining a high degree of accuracy, ultimately offering cost-effective solutions.
Projects and Partners

About ToolsPole

ToolsPole encapsulates the founders’ extensive expertise in optimization and dynamic analysis for high-performance foiling boat design. This expertise is reflected in Breva, a proprietary software developed to automate and enhance workflows for yacht design processes.

Leveraging deep expertise in software development and the implementation of advanced mathematical models, ToolsPole empowers its clients with tools designed to enhance the quality and efficiency of their daily operations.

Additionally, ToolsPole actively engages in research and development in collaboration with universities and research centers, ensuring its technological expertise remains at the forefront of innovation.


Creating a network of professionals with skills in high performance sailing and motor boats, and development of software solutions supporting the engineering design process.

Paolo Motta

Co-Founder, Designer

Graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at Politecnico of Milan with a master thesis focused on the development of software for the sailing boats’ steady state and dynamic performance prediction. In the following years, Paolo has been involved in several projects on the optimization of sailing and motorboat’s performance, as well as design of hydrodynamic appendages. In 2018 he started to work for New York Yacht Club American Magic, challenger for the 36th America’s Cup, in quality of Performance Prediction Engineer, VPP developer, and worked on the automatized shape optimization of hydrodynamic appendages. He kept working for American Magic also within the 37th America’s Cup.

Luca Valsecchi

Co-Founder, Software Developer

Graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at Politecnico of Milan with a master thesis focused on Reduced Order Modeling. In the following year, Luca has worked in the design and optimization of sailing boats’ performance developing software to support the engineering daily workflows. In 2018 he started to work for New York Yacht Club American Magic, challenger for the 36th America’s Cup, in quality of dynamic simulator, and mathematical model developer. He kept working for American Magic also within the 37th America’s Cup.

Luca Virtuani

Software Developer

Graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at Politecnico of Milan with a master thesis focused on development of software for image generation using CPU e GPU parallelization techniques. In the following years, Luca has been working in the development of helicopter and aircraft simulators and in the development of on-board systems. In 2022 he started to work for New York Yacht Club American Magic, challenger for the 37th America’s Cup, in quality of dynamic simulator and mathematical model developer.

Marco Zanichelli


Graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at Politecnico of Milan with a master thesis on the optimization of airfoils using machine learning techniques. Marco has specialized in hydrodynamics appendages design and performance prediction for high-speed motorboats. He has also been involved in the research and development of optimization algorithms and machine learning methods developed in collaboration with industrial and academic partners within the ff4euroHPC project.


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